
Op YouTube.
The Story of Linux How Linux is built
User Liberation Stephen Fry - Free Software
What is Linux? (18 tutorials) Linux vs. Windows
The mind behind Linux | Linus Torvalds Linux: The Origin Story
Richard Stallman Explains Everything Mark Shuttleworth - Ubuntu Linux founder on BBC Business Breakfast News 7th September 2017
Join the LibreOffice community Eric Lundgren, the E-Waste Refurbisher Microsoft Helped Send to Prison
Running Windows in Linux: VirtualBox Configuration Raspberry Pi 3: Newbie Introduction
Zorin OS 16 | Why THIS Is Better Than Windows 11? The Linux Desktop That Windows 11 Wishes It Could Be
Microsoft Reacts to Privacy Scandal How to Install Linux on a Surface Pro 3
Microsoft's AI-Powered CoPilot+ PCs Are Spyware Life After Microsoft Windows Cutting The Cord
Modern Ubuntu is KILLER on old Intel Macs! How to Install Linux on a 2012 MacBook Pro

Explaining Computers
Linux Survival Guide #1: Distros & Drives Linux Terminal Introduction
Linux Survival Guide #2: Running Windows Applications Raspberry Pi as Only PC (2016)
Linux Survival Guide #3: GPU Drivers & Printing Raspberry Pi 400: New All-in-One Pi!
Explaining File Systems: NTFS, exFAT, FAT32, ext4 & More Warpinator: Easy Network File Transfer between Windows, Linux, Android & iOS
MX Linux 21: An Increasingly Popular Distro Mini PC OpenMediaVault NAS
Switching to Linux: A Beginner’s Guide
LibreOffice Draw - Basis (NL) Wat is een Chromebook?
Maak een live-USB stick voor Xubuntu 18.04 met unetbootin (in Xubuntu) Maak een live-USB stick voor Xubuntu 18.04 met unetbootin (in Windows)
Arte Doku: Codename Linux 2001 (The Code) Ubuntu Einführung für Windows Benutzer
Das Microsoft-Dilemma - Europa als Softwarekolonie (ARD, 19.02.2018) 10 Gründe, warum Linux besser ist als Windows
Alte Laptops mit Linux wieder flott machen 🙂️ Es funktioniert 👍️ Linux Mint 🐧 Das bessere Windows 10 ⭐ Bitte umsteigen